NPC Health Opti-Mize
A natural additive to enrich the diet and aid digestive function as well as control equine behaviour. This economical supplement packs a lot into one scoop to help maintain great health and nutrition but also promote calm behaviour in your horse.
Contains; a digestive aid (prebiotic and digestive enzymes), natural gut conditioners, magnesium and key minerals copper and zinc (commonly in shortfall) as well as containing a registered (and proven) mycotoxin binder to reduce the effect of mycotoxins for horses at pasture.
Seasonal grass affected horses or keeping your horse calm and healthy is easy with Opti-mize!
Opti-mize helps to assist both diet and behaviour ALL-IN -ONE easy SCOOP!
This economical formula does away with multiple powders!
Contains the essential key minerals (organic copper, zinc, calcium, selenium yeast) with EXTRA magnesium, a DIGESTIVE aid plus a registered (and proven) MYCO-TOXIN binder! Not only tops up minerals commonly in dietary shortfall but also settles a grumpy gut and digestive system, whilst addressing behaviour!
Included also are the plant-based ingredients flaxseed for a healthy source of omega 3 and natural liquorice extract to help restore the gut.
The higher level of magnesium helps settle muscles and nerves and a mycotoxin binder to lessen the effects of mycotoxin exposure! This handy, ECONOMICAL supplement ticks a lot of boxes for busy horse owners!
We pack a lot into our dose. Feed 90 grams daily into feed and do away with multiple supplements.